Powerful Learning for Home and School

Conférence en anglais

Have your children or students struggled to remember what was taught the previous year, semester, or even the last month?

Have they, at times, internalized failure, thinking they won’t succeed because they’re “not smart”?

There are reasons, researched reasons, why this happens. Patrice Bain, veteran teacher and author of A Parent’s Guide to Powerful Teaching knows the rigor required for learning. Having worked with cognitive scientists for over fifteen years, Bain developed teaching strategies for school and home based on robust research.

In this engaging and interactive workshop, Patrice Bain will unlock the research and provide evidence-gathered strategies that will transform learning so that all students will be successful. 


Vos enfants ou vos élèves ont-ils du mal à se souvenir de ce qui a été enseigné l’année précédente, le semestre ou même le mois dernier ? Ont-ils parfois intériorisé l’échec, pensant qu’ils ne réussiront pas parce qu’ils ne sont « pas intelligents » ? Il y a des raisons, des raisons clairement idéntifiées, pour lesquelles cela se produit.

Patrice Bain, enseignante chevronnée et auteur de “A Parent’s Guide to Powerful Teaching”, connaît la rigueur nécessaire à l’apprentissage. Ayant travaillé avec des chercheurs en sciences cognitives pendant plus de quinze ans, Patrice Bain a développé des stratégies d’enseignement pour l’école et la maison basées sur des recherches reconnues. Dans cet atelier interactif, Patrice Bain dévoilera les résultats de la recherche et proposera des stratégies fondées sur des données probantes qui transformeront l’apprentissage afin que tous les élèves réussissent.

– Speaker’s Biography –

Patrice M. Bain, Ed.S., is a veteran K–12 educator, speaker and author.  As a finalist for Illinois Teacher of the Year and a Fulbright Scholar in Russia, she has been featured in international podcasts, webinars and popular press, including NOVA and Scientific American. Patrice completed more than 25 years teaching middle school, spending 15 of those years working closely with cognitive scientists turning research into authentic learning strategies. In addition to Powerful Teaching: Unleash the Science of Learning, she also co-authored an essential practice guide for educators: Organizing Instruction and Study to Improve Student Learning, in collaboration with the Institute of Education Sciences (IES).  Bain’s latest book A Parent’s Guide to Powerful Teaching reinforces the “Teaching Triangle” of student, parent, and teacher.


Patrice M. Bain, Ed.S., est un éducateur chevronnée de la maternelle à la terminale, conférencière et auteur. Finaliste du prix de l’enseignant de l’année de l’Illinois et boursière Fulbright en Russie, elle a été citée dans des podcasts internationaux, des webinaires et la presse, notamment NOVA et Scientific American.

Patrice a passé plus de 25 ans à enseigner au collège, dont 15 ans à travailler en étroite collaboration avec des spécialistes des sciences cognitives pour transformer la recherche en stratégies d’apprentissage authentiques. Outre Powerful Teaching : Unleash the Science of Learning, elle est également co-auteur d’un guide pratique essentiel pour les éducateurs : Organizing Instruction and Study to Improve Student Learning, en collaboration avec l’Institute of Education Sciences (IES). Le dernier ouvrage de Mme Bain, A Parent’s Guide to Powerful Teaching, renforce le « triangle de l’enseignement » composé de l’élève, du parent et de l’enseignant.



« I’m not sure how to help my child with schoolwork. » « I see my child study for tests and not do well. » « How much help is too much? Or Not enough? » As a parent, do you have questions like these? For students reading this book, have you ever thought: I studied all night and didn’t do well on the test? Do you question why spending more time on schoolwork often does not reflect increased learning or higher grades?

We all think we know how to study. Many of us have spent years in educational settings. Because we have learned, do we know how learning occurs? Often the answer is no. Fewer than 10% of students have parents who are certified educators. Where can the other 90% of parents go to find answers? If you are a student, where can you go to find out how to maximize learning while spending less time doing so? The answer is this guide. Patrice Bain has shown thousands of students with a wide range of abilities how to increase school performance. Having worked with cognitive scientists in the classroom for over half of her 25+ year teaching career, Bain knows how students learn and has developed strategies that increase memory, grades and retention of material. This book is not about fads or the latest shiny gadgets. Instead, this guide, based on rigorous research, gives the inside look into how all of us learn best. Filled with stories making learning relevant, and strategies to use at home, this guide will be like having a seat in Mrs. Bain’s engaging classroom. »

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